I personally caution people about buying someplace remote as their bugout option. I did it myself as a survivalist in the 80's. It's a lot of work, you have to visit it regularly, and it's expensive.
In the case of Climate Change, it's also to early.
At this point you are better served by moving away from risky areas, than you are by trying to move to a "good" area. For example, if you are in Florida this is your last chance to get out clean.
Ecosystem turnover is happening everywhere and the North is going to get warm very quickly. As it does, ALL OF THE TREES are going to burn. I wouldn't move North right now.
The fires are going to be ferocious.
Also, I just read a paper discussing the future of the lakes. They are shrinking and it's going to get a lot worse.
Higher temperatures mean a higher evaporation rate. Hundreds of millions of gallons of water are flowing right up into the air and getting carried off.
You've seen the photos of the dried up seas in Russia. That's what's going to happen to the lakes. They are going to shrink.
The thing to keep in mind is that there are no "good" spots anywhere that you can go to and "turtle up". In a changing climate you should probably expect to have to relocate frequently.