I like a lot of what this article is saying. But, I think you are missing part of the picture.
Do you remember the term "Future Shock" by Alvin Toffler?
Part of the problem is that our societies are now changing faster than we can accommodate and adapt. Not just mentally, biologically as well.
Our neurobiology gifts us with an extended neonate state of "child brain" past adolescence. We keep our biologically expensive neonate brain into adulthood and retain the ability to rapidly learn, make connections, and think creatively like children do.
It's biologically expensive and Nature shuts it down gradually as we age. In two distinct waves. The first in our early 30's. The second in our mid 50's. This has social consequences.
In pre-technic societies older men and women have EXPERIENCE. They know how the world works and lots of wisdom to offer the young. They channel and usefully direct the energies of young men (who are ALL psychopaths at that age, by definition).
In our hyperaccelerated societies, by the time you are in your late 50's you have become almost worthless economically and socially. The world you trained for and learned to navigate is gone by then. Society has MOVED ON and left you behind.
Right at the point your neuroplasticity and ability to adapt has throttled down to "maintenance mode".
We fetishize youth because our entire society now depends on them driving us to ever faster technological advances. We encourage and reward "disruptors" who break old industries putting millions out of work and destroying countless lives.
Then we "throw away" the old and complain when they "die to slowly" and use up resources. Is it any wonder men have problems?
Everyone is having problems.