I applaud your bringing this issue up. It really needs to be discussed RIGHT NOW. Before 20-40 million Climate Regugees show up on our doorstep.
You mentioned Reagan doing immigration reform because there were so many Hispanics in California. Implying he had sympathy for them.
Even that is a whitewash.
He did immigration reform because California agribusiness needed stability for its labor supply. Because the expanding meat packing giants needed people to work in their plants who wouldn't complain about the working conditions.
Reagan did immigration reform to stabilize the supply of workers to do those "jobs American's won't do". It was practical, pragmatic, and the DONORS demanded it. That's why he did it.
Ancient history though.
Here are some points to consider. Barack Obama deported more illegal immigrants than George Bush. Sure, he gets a good image for the Dreamer thing. But if you weren't a Dreamer. Obama deported you.
We all thought he was so hard line to hold onto White swing voters. Who will skew Right if they think Democrats are soft on immigration.
Obama was the President who started really militarizing the Border and building the foundations of the electronic wall. The "surveillance wall".
Obama was also the first President to really talk about Climate Change. Even calling it the "greatest threat of the coming decades".
Then came Trump. His followers are racist xenophobes. They live in terror that hordes of "Brown locusts" are going come pouring into the US. Raping, pillaging, and murdering.
Although they refuse to tie it to the Climate Crisis, which they cannot openly admit is happening. White America, AKA the 2/3 that votes Trumpublican, is becoming increasingly fearful of invasion.
The worse the weather gets. The more isolationist they are going to become.
Here’s the thing Biden hasn't changed the policies of Obama or Trump. If anything, he has doubled down on the “keep them in their own country” policy of paying client states to “self enforce” border controls.
If we don't enact humane and sensible immigration policies RIGHT NOW. Before the Climate Crisis puts massive stress on our society.
There will be atrocities. And we will be the ones committing then.