I actually met Ms. Dworkin several times back in the 80's. When she was gaining attention as a 2nd wave feminist. She visted/spoke several times at UC Santa Cruz when my 1st wife was getting her degree in Mathematics there.
At that time, she was advocating lesbianism as a solution for women who wanted to "reject the patriarchy". She was notorious for her position that all penetrative sex was a form of rape/violence.
She weirdly found herself allied with Schafly and the Christian Conservatives. Because they to had very strong feelings about pornography.
You're not American so you won't remember the Reagan Commission Report on Pornography done by Attorney General Meese. It was so pornographic you had to be over 21 to read it.
They concluded that banning porn, like banning certain drugs, did not reduce people's desire for it. Criminalization just means criminals will control it and make lots more money from it.
Which is partly why there is so much porn on the internet. It got legalized.
Ms. Dworkin lost that argument.
As a person I found her passionate and charismatic. She could fire up an audience of women and make converts. She was an uncompromising zealot for her beliefs and she preached far and wide.
My wife knew women who left relationships to basically live a life without men. She herself experimented with lesbianism and took a female lover for awhile.
What she found, is that if you take away the men, some of the women start acting like men. The exact same outcome (some women being sexualized, objectified, and exploited) just with an all female cast.
Think "Lord of the Flies" with an all female cast.
It disillusioned her on radical feminism. "People are people" was her conclusion.
It doesn't matter what's between their legs. Some are going to be saints, some are going to be sinners, and all of them want a "wife" to do the dirty work of daily existence (cooking, cleaning, diapers, and dishes).