Hmm... you got me thinking about doing an index. That's a rabbit hole I could get lost for a week in, so not doing that.
OK, not thinking about indexing.
Start here,
Because it has links to my Climate Report 2022, the article on the Ukraine War from March 2022, and a current update. It's all the high-points.
After that, hmm...
The World’s Forests are Burning, Ecosystem Turnover is the Cause. Let’s All be Really Clear on What that Means. — Revisited
The IPCC released yet another report today. The IPCC AR6 synthesis report or “Summary for Policymakers”. Let’s discuss it. (In order to get a feel for what "official" scientists say.)
We are in a moment of history where things could go CATASTROPHICALLY BAD. (it's a "big picture" piece).
Then Living in Bomb Time 24 to 29 for deeper information.
Then The Crisis Report 20, 21, 22.
And if he wants to know who I am.
Personal Notes — 09 (I give a rundown on me so that you know who it is telling the Climate Situation is bad).
Really Personal Stuff - My Childhood
I'm Autistic and old, these are my stories.
Random Thoughts