Great roundup of Alt Right and Trumpublican weirdness. Loved the full Latin quote, it makes him look like a "know nothing" idiot that he used that fragment out of context. Very "net kultury".
I wonder if you are not seeing the full danger of what's happening. The sheer stupidity of it makes it hard to take seriously. I think the US is in a very dangerous place right now.
No, I cannot “remember that we are all American’s and just be friends” -- because, one side is acting like it wants a fight. And that’s too dangerous to ignore.
I wrote about Thanksgiving myself.
Thanksgiving is an American Holiday
It should be an International Day of Remembrance
A day to think about what was lost.
The only reason I mention it is your interest in Climate Change. Part of my discussion is on how the "Great Dying" of the Native American population in the late 1500's caused the Earth's temperature to rapidly drop 0.15C.
European colonization of Americas killed so many it cooled the Earth’s climate.
This “large-scale depopulation” resulted in vast tracts of agricultural land being left untended, researchers say, allowing the land to become overgrown with trees and other new vegetation.
The regrowth soaked up enough carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to cool the planet, with the average temperature dropping by 0.15C in the late 1500s and early 1600s, the study by scientists at University College London found.
“The great dying of the indigenous peoples of the Americas resulted in a human-driven global impact on the Earth system in the two centuries prior to the Industrial Revolution,” wrote the UCL team.
The drop in temperature during this period was the coldest of the “Little Ice Age”. During this period the River Thames in London would regularly freeze over, snowstorms were common in Portugal and disrupted agriculture caused famines in several European countries.
That’s how many people died in the America’s as a result of contact with the European’s. Just because the European’s breathed on them. Just because they had been isolated for tens of thousands of year’s and had no resistance to diseases that had become common in Eurasia.