Great article, very comprehensive write up of the current polycrisis. I would recommend this to anyone who wanted an overview of the current "state of play".
However, I would update your info on ARCTIC AMPLIFICATION and the PERMAFROST MELT. You have all the pieces but you haven't put it together yet.
Here's my analysis.
The Earth’s Climate System — A Short Users Guide. Part 03.
The part that isn't clear to most people yet, is HOW MUCH the High Arctic is going to HEAT UP and HOW FAST it's going to happen. Siberia has ALREADY warmed +8C since 1979. It won't stop warming until it/s about +20-25C hotter than the 1850 baseline.
Canada is next, and then Alaska.
ALL of the Boreal Forests WILL BURN away by 2050. That "by itself" will add about 100ppm to 150ppm to the CO2 level.
Then the permafrost melt will really accelerate.
We are REALISTICALLY looking at +10C of warming over the next 100 years. That's what you need to "plan for" if you are thinking about your children and grandchildren "squeezing through" the bottleneck that's about to hit us.