Great article and good commentary. You always get good comments but this is better than usual.
You touched on something important here. There is a very real and very targeted campaign against "Doomers" going on. People like you and I are deliberately being trashed by just about every other group of climate writers.
Doomers are being equated with Fatalists' and, as you point out, the two viewpoints are NOT the same at all.
As far as I can tell, Doomers are being trashed by everyone because:
We know Global Warming has reached a CRISIS level. So the Fossil Fuel people and Deniers hate us.
We know that the Techno Optimists are peddling FALSE HOPE with the goal of keeping everyone calm and everything the same until a "breakthrough" happens. They are betting that "when the need is great enough" genius will happen. Any voices which speak against this narrative and suggest 'real change' to our social organization and objectives seem to be very threatening to them.
Lastly and sadly, Climate Scientists, who should be speaking up and speaking out, are instead using their senior positions to defend an obviously failed paradigm. They are actually spreading disinformation in order to discredit colleagues and younger researchers who don/t support the current Climate Paradigm.
Doomers seem to be the ONLY people writing on Climate Science who don't have a vested interest in manipulating people/s perception. We are the ones who are insisting that,
We need to see and agree on the reality of the problem.
We need a GLOBAL plan and Global Solutions.
If we don't do this ALL TOGETHER, we WILL all BURN together.
Realistic plans involve social justice, equitable resource sharing, true global governing agencies, and restructuring of global society away from consumerism to sustainability.
Apparently, advocating for this option, instead of repeating "the future will be just like now, but electric" mantra of the Techno Optimists, is the same as saying "you might as well do nothing".