Don't get hung up in quantum theory. The physics becomes extremely esoteric. My first wife would go into deeply meditative states looking at it.
At the average person level it's much more straightforward.
Schrodinger's Cat is the thing to focus on and grasp tightly to. It contains/explains the main points of what's being discussed.
The cat is alive and dead at the SAME time until you open the box and "look" inside. Both realities exist in a quantum cloud of probability. You cannot know which is true, only what's most likely.
When you open the box to observe, the act of your influence on the box causes the "cloud" of probabilities to collapse and decay into a fixed reality. The cat becomes alive or dead.
That instant in time, when the "cloud" collapses is the instant Chaos Theory speaks to. It says, no matter how confident you think you are about the status of the cat. You cannot ever be 100% certain.
The Universe is a weird place. The cat could have simply vanished. Highly unlikely, but Quantum Mechanics says it could happen.