Brilliant, passionate, and eloquent. You are a fiery writer, a powerful voice. I hope you become a second American Thomas Paine.
So, please don't bite my head off.
Says the ant-like writer with 500 followers to the mighty Demi-god writer with 100,000+ followers. I wasn't asking you to be silent or blind. I was making a plea for nuance.
Democrats are human. As humans they will "rationalize, deny, gaslight, mansplain, deflect, and dehumanize". They are not perfect.
Right now, they aren't even good. They are barely tolerable.
But you go to battle with the troops you have now.
Not with the troops you wish you had. Or the troops you "could have had". Or the ones you "might have" down the road. The ones you have, right now.
I'm not asking you for silence or dishonesty about the Democrats. I fucking despise Biden. I have for decades.
But, he's who "the People" voted for and you either believe in Democracy or you don't.
You have a great and powerful voice. I would love to see you in the Senate. I think you should run as a "Green Democrat" this year. Right now. For whatever office is open in your state.
I would donate the first $1,000 check to your campaign fund. I would put my money on you because I think you're awesome and would be an awesome voice for good in our politics.
All I'm saying is consider the power of your voice.
Where you lead, other's will follow.
If you say that you are so disgusted with the Democrats, you are going to stay home in 22' and 24'. Hundreds of thousands will follow your example.
In elections that are being decided by fewer than 10,000 votes, every vote matters. As liberal political writers this is something we need to confront this election cycle.
We want to honestly discuss the warts and flaws of our own party. Without turning people off so completely that they fail to come out and vote "for the lesser evil".
Welcome to being part of the Intelligentsia and to having your words matter IRL. Sucks doesn't it