As someone who also writes on this topic (The Crisis Report — 17 - The IPCC released yet another report today. The IPCC AR6 synthesis report or “Summary for Policymakers”. Let’s discuss it) I liked your piece. It's well organized, coherent, logical, and lays out the basic position of the report.
It's a little light on details. Which leads me to ask, who do you see as your target audience?
IE: What level of knowledge do you think a person would need to have for this article to be meaningful to them?
As it reads now, it feels like you are trying to connect to "low information" readers. You use a lot of generalities and the term "holistic" quite a bit. A little more detail and some graphics would add a lot of weight to your piece.
Lastly, as a reader I found a lot of typos/grammar mistakes. Plus, your concluding paragraph is repeated. You need to proofread this more carefully.
I am supportive of anyone who wants to write on this topic. We need more Climate Communicators.