As a "Doomer", and someone who is VERY FOCUSED on the CO2 issue, I have to ask.
What do you propose DOING about Overshoot?
It's EASY to say, Overshoot is "the problem". What's your "solution"?
I have been talking with "overshoot" proponents since the 70's. The "solution" is ALWAYS, "reduce population by about 70%". Then the Earth can be a sustainable Utopia.
Unless you are proposing voluntary euthanasia of about half the population in the next 10 years, you don't have a solution. You have an argument that NO ONE wants to hear.
No matter how much sense it makes or how valid your points are.
That’s why Overshoot Advocates are usually ignored. What you say is TRUE, but so what?
It doesn't change anything or offer any solutions other than population reduction. Techno-Optimism offers HOPE.
That's why it ALWAYS wins people's "Hearts and Minds".