Always keep in mind I am still the "Lunatic Fringe". Take what I say with a grain of salt and weigh it against other sources of information you trust and respect.
I could be off. The range of warming being forecast is 0.4C to 0.8C. Maybe we get lucky. Maybe warming is 0.375C. A little less than feared.
That could happen. Although I think it's highly unlikely and would require a volcano. Still, don't just assume I'm right.
Look at my sources. Read some of the papers. Decide how real you think the threat is for yourself.
But do it fast, the mountain is smoking. When it goes you want to be in a good spot.
That being said. Yeah, I agree. I think a recession is about to happen. They cannot allow runaway inflation and conditions are primed for that.
They will fight that with a recession.
Which means the housing market should cool off. If you want to sell at the top and take profits, now is probably the time.
But, where do you go?
You are going to have to move and then wait for the market to come down. So, where can you realistically rent something for the next few years and find work?
Vermont gets the best marks for Climate Risks from a number of analysis sites I respect. However, my wife and I intended to settle around Pittsburgh before she got sick.
There are flooding risks with the rivers but it has lots of hills and high ground. It has a lot of Universities and Colleges. It's reasonably diverse. Plus it's still relatively affordable.
Vermont was just too White for us. We went up to check it out for a couple of weeks and OMG did we find it bland.
Is that the kind of suggestions you are looking for?
I know you are in FL. I would advise you to get out now, while you still can. Like put the house on the market this Summer, Fall at the latest.
Move to higher and cooler ground. Be near a city. Rural areas are the most likely to see loss of power and infrastructure. As well as being at higher risk of fire.
Try to be someplace you can grow a small garden at the very least. But don't obsess over it or count on it. The weather may be so bad that nothing grows for a few years.
Food rationing will probably be implemented. After everyone strips the shelves clean and massive hording takes place.
Stock up a bit now on things you can trade. Not just things you like. Don't over do it though. A flood or fire could take it and then you are screwed.
Flexibility and resilience are going to be what gets people through. The rigid and the slow to adapt are going to die in droves. My models indicate over 150,000 dying in heat waves next year because people just won't listen to the warnings.
Does any of that help?