About as awful as you would expect. Maybe even a little worse. Now that what's about to happen is so clear and people's eyes still glaze over when you try to explain it to them.
I kinda thought when we got to this point, people would start waking up. But no, denial still seems to be the order of day.
Enjoy what you can in these last few months of the old reality.
This is the start, it gets rapidly hotter for the next 4-5 years. Massive global production failures in agricultural output. Famines everywhere and hundreds of millions starving to death.
No more vay-kays people. Travel to places were people are dying of hunger in job lots isn't really going to be a good idea. For a lot of you that seems to be what you will miss the most.
We could have stopped it, this didn't have to happen. I guess that's what hurts the most right now. That knowledge.
That this was all so avoidable.