"A total collapse can be extremely abrupt via the nonlinear dynamics of “self-organized criticality”, where the next grain of sand brings down the pile. Without remedial effort and relatively soon, institutional failures could recombine and spiral out of control literally overnight."
Well, we are about to find out aren't we.
The daily SST should be declining now in the yearly cycle. It's actually going UP.
Last year was the HOTTEST in at least 125K years.
This year will be HOTTER.
This is the New Normal. We just JUMPED about +0.5C last year, into a new climate state around +1.7C over the GISS/IPCC baseline.
The Rate of Warming is now estimated to be +0.45C per decade.
We will be going to a +2C world over the next 6 years.
The Boreal Forests will BURN.
Dust Bowl 2.0 is starting.
Global Famines start by next Spring.
We may have waited too late.
Do you have any suggestions in that scenario?