A lovely, thoughtful meditation on coming to "acceptance" of childlessness. While I know your target audience is women, this is something that childless men also feel.
My "choices" were taken from me as a child by my father. Something BTW that is still LEGAL in most of the US and falls particularly hard on autistic girls.
Labels have consequences. Because I was a “retard”, my father had me sterilized.
So, a child of "my own" was never a possibility for me. Something I learned about in my late 20's when I was coaxed into trying to "sell" my sperm*. Only to find out I was sterile.
*If you are 6'1, blue eyed, and got "full ride" scholarship offers from UC Berkeley, Princeton, and MIT people WILL pay a lot for your sperm. Autism be dammed.
I think for men it's something that hits you in your 50's. The grief at the loss of all those possibilities and the death of the "child of your mind's eye".
While that LOSS is unseen to the world, it is still VERY REAL to those of us who experience it. I understand your pain.
My sympathies.